‘Grands Canons’ Takes Best Animation Prize at SCAD Fest

The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) announced the award winners for the 21st SCAD Savannah Film Festival during an awards brunch held at The Olde Pink House on Saturday. A key stop on the Oscar festival circuit, SCAD Savannah Film Festival screened a total of 164 films, including 33 narrative films, 16 documentary films and 115 shorts, more than any year before.

Twenty-seven awards were announced from the 105 films that competed in the categories of narrative features, documentary features, professional shorts, animated shorts, and student shorts selections.

Taking the Best Animated Short honor was Grands Canons by Alain Biet (France) — an energetic piece made up of thousands of drawings of everyday objects by the director, superimposed, multiplied and condensed into a dizzying trip through time. Produced by Girelle Production, Grands Canons was an official selection for Dok Leipzig and the Prix UniFrance short film competition.

Professional jury members were Laura Berwick (Berwick & Kovacik), Kevin Fallon (The Daily Beast), Amy Kaufman (LA Times), Bill Keith (Entertainment Weekly), Richard Lawson (Vanity Fair), Elise Pearlstein (Participant Media), David Westhead (actor/produce) and Alison Willmore (Buzzfeed).

Read on below the video for complete list of winners.

Best Animated Short – Grands Canons, Alain Biet (France)
Animation Jury Award – The Likes and Dislikes of Marj Bagley, Taylor Stanton (U.S.)
Best Student Short – Blue Christmas
Best Student Animation – Creature from the Lake, ISART DIGITAL (France)
Silver Screen Society – Best Short Film by a SCAD Student – $30 to Antarctica
Student Jury Award – Cinematographer

Shorts Spotlight: Best of Show – My Indiana Muse
Shorts Spotlight: Best Animated Delight – One Small Step, Andrew Chesworth & Bobby Pontillas (U.S./China; TAIKO Studios)
Shorts Spotlight: Best LOLz Short – Bertie
Shorts Spotlight: Best Bump in the Night Short – Other Side of the Box

Best Narrative Feature – Tomorrow
Best Documentary Feature – The Human Element
Best Narrative Short – Geoff
Best Directing – Will Kenning & Michael Rouse – Geoff
Best Editing – Hold the Night
Jury Award for Acting – Skyler Samuels – Spare Room
Jury Award for Screenwriting – One Cambodian Family Please for My Pleasure
Jury Award, Unheard Voices – Facing the Dragon

Best Global Short Overall – Period. End of Sentence.
Best Global Short: Narrative – Believe Her
Best Global Short: Documentary – Period. End of Sentence.
Best Global Short: LGBTQ & You – Conway Pride
Best Global Short: Woman Walks Ahead – Period. End of Sentence.
Best Global Short: Don’t Dis My Ability – Take Me to the Waves
Best Global Short: A Sporting Chance – The Conqueror
Global Shorts: Jury Award – Boy Saint
Global Shorts Jury Award – Marie’s Crisis

One Small Step
One Small Step
The Likes and Dislikes of Marj Bagley
The Likes and Dislikes of Marj Bagley