Gamescom Congress Explores Diverse Applications

Organizers of the 2016 Gamescom Congress in Cologne, Germany are preparing a program that tackles everything from on-board entertainment to virtual reality for the event, taking place August 18. Over 80 international speakers will discuss everything from in-car gaming, to game-based medical applications, to eSports in the classroom and more. The Congress will open with a speech by Franz-Josef Lersch-Mense, Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and Media and Head of the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia.

“Computer games are much more than a digital pastime for the media hub of Cologne,” said Henriette Reker, Lord Mayor of Cologne. “They drive innovation for our economy and are a core element of youth culture. The Gamescom Congress showcases what games have to offer and is likewise a core element of Gamescom.”

Theme “The Future Plays,” the 2016 Gamescom Congress sheds light on the potential of computer and video games, providing a forum for representatives from the spheres of culture, education, politics and science to discuss new applications for these innovative media. Spread over five key topics, over 30 talks and panel discussions will address these possibilities.

Program highlights include the opening panel, “The Car of the Future as a Place to Play”; “Pimp My Ride: Rollercoasters & Virtual Reality”; “Everything Remains Different: The Future of Youth Media Protection”; “The Experiment: eSports As a School Subject”; “Cultural Criticism and Critical Culture: Games in Media”; and a discussion of the dementia research game Sea Hero Quest with Wolfgang Kampbartold of Deutsche Telekom.

More information and registration available at

Gamescom Congress
Gamescom Congress