Rising Sun Pictures Developing UniSA VFX Undergrad Program

Award-winning visual effects studio Rising Sun Pictures is expanding its educational partnership with the University of South Australia, teaming with “UniSA” to develop and deliver the entire third year of the school’s new VFX Bachelor of Media Arts degree program beginning in 2019. All courses open to third-year students will be held at RSP’s production facility in Adelaide and taught by working professionals, with the aim of providing graduates with the skills and experience to enter the industry directly.

The expanded partnership has been developed to meet what is expected to be a spike in demand for well-trained visual effects artists, as the Australian government’s recently expanded Post Production, Digital and Visual Effects Rebate is bringing more such work into the country.

RSP has been providing university accredited training in association with UniSA for three years, and currently offers Graduate Certificate programs in Compositing & Tracking, and Dynamic Effects & Lighting to both local and international university students and graduates. Graduates of these programs have since been employed by top VFX studios in Australia and abroad. This year, two new subjects were introduced onsite as part of the second year of the Media Arts degree: Modelling & Texturing, and Look Development & Lighting.

In 2019, third year students will be in residence at RSP full time and pursue advanced courses (based on the existing Graduate Certificate programs) in compositing, tracking, dynamic effects and lighting. RSP will also provide students with career guidance, including resume and showreel production and interview skills.

“RSP have been working closely with UniSA to integrate the successful elements of our Graduate Certificate program into the new Media Arts VFX stream,” said Rising Sun Pictures Manager for Training and Education, Anna Hodge. “It will not only offer more specialization units but delivery of the third year will be done in-house at Rising Sun Pictures. It is work integrated learning at its best!”

As many as 100 UniSA undergraduate and postgraduate students will take part in the various VFX courses at RSP. Students currently enrolled in related studies at other institutions will be able to transition by transfer via the university.

RSP will continue to offer Graduate Certificate program for graduate students, as well as its series of short courses for students, teachers and the public looking to gain new skills or up-skill in particular software. UniSA ensures that RSP courses meet curriculum standards of the Australian Qualifications Framework.

“Student employability both locally and globally is our goal,” said Hodge. “Our training is student-centered. In collaboration with the University of South Australia, our graduates leave here with a piece of paper that really means something.”

RSP’s recent filmography includes Tomb Raider, Peter Rabbit, Thor: Ragnarok and many more spectacular theatrical features and high-quality TV programs. More information at

University of South Australia VFX Bachelor of Media Arts
University of South Australia VFX Bachelor of Media Arts
Thor: Ragnarok
Thor: Ragnarok