Gas Money Pictures Launches Three New Toons

Los Angeles-based indie animation shop Gas Money Pictures has launched three new animated shows — Hollywould, Mr. Wiggles Saves the World and Dinosaur Attack! On Kung Fu Island after their debut at the recent Cannes market in May.

The adult comedy series, Hollywould follows the exploits of two washed up screenwriters as they work towards their long overdue comeback. Mr. Wiggles Saves the World centers on a normal, everyday family who has a secret government operation hiding in their basement, and a family dog that saves the world from aliens. Dinosaur Attack follows Steven and Mawni on their action adventure as they are suddenly thrust into epic battles against giant holographic and robotic dinosaurs.

“Gas Money Pictures already has an established presence in live-action films and television so it was a natural evolution to take the next steps in bringing these new characters to life in the animated realm,” says James L. Bills, CCO of Gas Money Pictures, “We are looking forward to further establishing ourselves in the US market as well as expanding internationally into Europe and China.”

Gas Money Pictures was founded by film and television veterans James L. Bills and J. Horton with partner Paul C. Norman. GMPs’ Animation Studio is also planning on producing and launching more animated shows for traditional, streaming and emerging platforms. For more info, visit

Hollywould, Dinosaur Attack! On Kung Fu Island, and Mr. Wiggles Saves the World
Hollywould, Dinosaur Attack! On Kung Fu Island, and Mr. Wiggles Saves the World