MTV Networks Int’l Behind Comedy Central, Spike TV Toons

MTV Networks Int’l is now in charge of Comedy Central’s international program distribution and licensing activities. Comedy Central, with its eclectic mix of original programming, stand-up comedy, sketch comedy, adult animation and movies, is a wholly owned division of MTV Networks.

MTVNI also unveiled its new slate of programming for sale to the international market, including offerings from Comedy Central, VH1, MTV, Nickelodeon and, for the first time, original content from Spike TV. Three adult animated series up for offer are Gary the Rat featuring Kelsey Grammer, Stan Lee’s Stripperella starring Pamela Anderson and John Kricfalusi’s Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon– along with the original Ren & Stimpy Show episodes, uncut and digitally re-mastered.

Other available series are Comedy Central’s RENO 911!, a take-off on the police reality show genre, MTV’s celebrity prank show Punk’d starring Ashton Kutcher, and Nickelodeon’s Rugrats spin-off All Grown Up. In addition will be VH1’s series of original specials that offer an insider’s look into the world of rock ’n’ roll, and All Access, a magazine/lifestyle show dealing with celebrity and current pop culture.

MTVNI Programme Enterprises (IPE) group is responsible for all international program syndication and licensing activities for MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central, as well as the acquisition of original content in MTV Networks’ core competency areas of kids, music and young people, for sale to third parties around the world.

MTVNI includes the multimedia entertainment brands MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, TMF (The Music Factory) and Game One. On a worldwide basis, the channels are seen in more than 377 million households in 164 countries and 18 languages via 96 locally programmed and operated TV channels and 41 Web sites.