With the popularity of the animated band, Gorillaz, and the recent announcement of a Cartoon Network/Andre Benjamin (Andre 3000 of Outkast) series, it seems like pop music and animation double teams are just what the kids are craving. And now, Warner Strategic Marketing and Headstart Ent. have announced that theyve got the beat, having entered into an exclusive distribution agreement for the launch of Da Jammies.
A new direct-to-DVD animated series, Da Jammies aims to teach young viewers life lessons with a blend of hip-hop beats, kicking dance moves, the latest in fashion and ethnically diverse characters tweens can relate to. The show centers on two groups of kids, the well-to-do BattleBrats from the burbs and inner city denizens Da Jammies. Both crews attend a performing arts school where they struggle to balance real-life issues with their dreams of making it as rappers and singers.
Toon Farm founders and music industry vets Aulsondro "Novelist" Hamilton and William "Dolla" Chapman II serve as co-exec producers, co-writers and co-stars on Da Jammies. "When William and I were growing up, there were television shows around us like Schoolhouse Rock and Fat Albert that taught strong values and positive lessons," Hamilton notes. "William and I both have young children now and we know how hard it is to find constructive parent-friendly entertainment for kids. We want Da Jammies to be the hip new version of Schoolhouse Rock."
The shows hip-hopping voice cast features MC Lyte, songwriter and producer Pittboss and MTVs La La and DJ Clue. Ginuwine and Mario also make guest appearances. The first Da Jammies DVD will release early in 2006, equipped with two episodes, bonus material and a soundtrack CD.
Looks like all the old posts of negatives on this company were removed. Contact the attorney general in CA or FBI if you ever want to see your money back.
Here is just some of the old posts:
Mrs. Smith : Head Start Shareholder :
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The cartoon was so attractive to us we invested into Headstart Entertainment … lots of $$. I write … I call … no answers … heard they sold Z Force … why do they take our money and can\’t even send out information to the people who helped finance them … we did this some years ago … is anyone else getting the run around as we are? Any help, names to contact, phone numbers, anything would be a blessing!!
Thank you!!
mr.horn : investor over 100k :
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I also never get feedback, never get K-1\’s, went to the HQ and was not impressed, be careful.
Mrs. Smith : Head Start Shareholder
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Mr. Horn … are you in California? Thank you for being so candid … so you think we are out of our $$?
merta : investor :
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
looks like a rip off even went to scoool with one of principals bruce robinson i should have seen it then money and contaact all but gone
gene : MPH Investments
Monday, September 21, 2009
looking to reconnect with you guys, are you out there?
Larry Farneda :
Monday, October 05, 2009
same thing with me, no contact information or anything else
Benito Tan : A-Plus Skills center
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Good production after all. First we had good info, then it dissappears, contact again, maybe for good this time.
We appreciate your hard work and creative mind.
Please put up the site already and a little pr so we can be happy again.
Excellent production guys, thanks
Mrs. Smith : Head Start Shareholder :
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Maybe we need a class action suit against them?
rick : canadian shareholder :
Thursday, October 29, 2009
the only time i heard from them was to request more \”investment\” capital. i personaly think we got screwed
richard murch :
Monday, November 02, 2009
Im a share holder from day one zforce ,I havent heard from them since the sale to headstart. I think our shares in headstart were never recognized in the sale
r murch :
Monday, November 02, 2009
anyone with contact info concerning this posible ripoff please forword info to me me at (taper@sacoriver.net) I have a sizable investment in this company and I would like to know were my money went. thanks
Don Gwaltney : D F G Enterprises
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Please contact me at dongwaltney@sbcglobal.net, should anyone happen to find these people. I happen to have a sizeable investment with HeadStart and the other company, Granite Springs. Is this a total rip-off? Farcur strudios seems to be up-and-running OK. Holla back!
Lou Renna :
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I\’m an investor in Headstart. Haven\’t heard a thing from them in quite a while. Anybody know what\’s up?
Lou Renna :
Thursday, December 17, 2009
After reading all the comments, I think we should find a good attorney and start some litigation against Headstart and the principals involved. I also think we may want to contact the California State Attorney General and see what else we can do.
Craig : Investor :
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I can\’t believe that as well as they kept everyone informed to begin with that they could just stop the way they did. has to be a scam. As a investor from 2001 or so, does a guy have a leg to stand on? victorylane@embarqmail.com
JC : Investor :
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I too think we should get ready to hire a lawyer.
J.C. :
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I invested as well.Not getting info/updates anymore from Headstart.
Lets consider legal action on this company.Five years…….and still waiting for something to hit the market!?!?!?C\’MON.
Anybody know whats up?
AJP : Investor : Headstart
Monday, January 04, 2010
I would sure like to see something done to get our money back out of these people!!! How long does it actually take to make these cartoons??? Sequels to movies have been made faster than what this company has been doing. Anyone with information please email me at anitap13@mchsi.com
Knowthetruth : CEO :
Friday, January 08, 2010
I have some conserns as well but I know the hearts behind the concept are real. I question the people behind headstart I think their trying to take everyone for a ride event the creators. This is sad too because this is a show that is needed in the market place. I do know that the show is in the stages of being sold the CW network just ran a online test and the show looked awsome!
KD : Investor :
Friday, January 08, 2010
Animation can not be done in a day and quality animation can\’t be done in a few years. I\’m sure you\’ve all heard of \”Toy Story\” from Disney now that\’s quality animation. It took a little over ten years before it hit the screen mater of fact the follow up movie \”Toy Story 2 \” was released on the 10th anniversary of the 1st movie and was just completed when it was released. So I say this to say quality animation takes time people but investors should be getting some kind of update from the company involved.
CS : Investor : Headstart/garnitsprings
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I am invested in these companies and would like to know
what they are doing and where a return on our investment is.
JM : Investor : HeadStart/Granite Springs
Saturday, January 30, 2010
I am also an investor who has heard little from the principals of these companies, but feel they have an obligation to keep us informed. If you don\\\’t know, the contact is Doug Warr – doug.warr@gmail.com – for Headstart. They have an answering service at 800-341-7174, but all they do is relay messages. I haven\\\’t heard back from him. I spoke with Bob Hurd of Granite Springs who said that Headstart is still working on the episodes of the daJammies, with the 11th about to be completed. He said they converted 2D to 3D which took additional time. They still own a small percentage of FarCor Studios, but don\\\’t seem to be getting any proceeds. Bob can be reached at 310-600-2032. I thought that Ken Gross was going to be doing newsletters for Headstart, but it has been a year since I got one.
Rick : Canadian investor :
Sunday, February 07, 2010
I recently called 800 341 7174 and talked to \”representative\” of Head Start and explained that I havent heard nothing in a few years and would like an update. She was very apologetic and said that someone would call me back very soon and send an e-mail. Well guess what, still nothing. If any one out there hears any thing at all please send me an e-mail to caveman2698@hotmail.com so I can find out if I still have my investment.
Joe GLickman : Manager : Joseph Glickman & Associates
Monday, February 15, 2010
I am glad to see that there are a number of investers that are in contact. I am now trying to get my investment back with a local connection in LA. doing the investigating. Please email me your name and contact information. In numbers we might be able to succeed. I want to take this to state attorneys office and beyond and see these people are prosecuted.
Joe Glickman
This is for Legendary Entertainment, Headstart Entertainment, Granite Springs and the person in charge at this point Oct 6, 2010, is Doug M. Warr. Bruce Robinson is the person who is returning the calls. Dywanne Corbitt was involved as well. Mike Matthews was a sales person, (not his real name by the way)–most of the people don’t use real names, fyi. Why? Legendary Entertainment is dormant and has been since 2007 and Headstart is no longer making calls to investors. DaJammies and Z-force were the characters they were pedalling. I wonder what happen to all the monies they collected? The money got spent and the companies have nothing to show for it. They do not keep in contact with the stockholders by newsletter or phone. They have shown us no books or recordkeeping. If you complain, they write you back a “canned” email with more promises of Disney, Warner Bros, etc. They have not paid a return on Headstart or Legendary or Granite Springs monies, nor will they ever, the way this has gone. Enough years have gone by and the investors have been waiting long enough. Now, what company will they or have they started up so they can prey on more investors that will get taken? Animation Magazine took off over a year’s worth of comments here from un-happy investors–I wonder if the company had anything to do with that?? If you don’t complain, nothing will ever happen.
i working with a attorney in minnesota that is interested in this case. as i am a investor also . i smell a rat.
email me any information that you have on you end. hopefully we can get something started.
How do we as investors create a united attack to confront these “producers”, to include Farquar Studios, and shame them into responding? They have to be forced with some kind of consequences to their “good name”. Will they be able to raise funds for any other projects if we have leins over their earnings? Someone help answer our questions!!
I frankly am tired of the promises given. They do not have a legal mailing address except a mail p.o. box pick up and they return calls from cell phones. Have they shown us the accounting of monies spent or copies of contracts signed for the character deals? (see comments above from another investor) The only thing I can say is to contact the attorney general in your state and the state of attorney general in CA, the Security and Exchange Commission, the Department of Justice, your location congressman and senators, the US Postal Inspector, the FBI SCAM section, the IRS, the telemarketing victim call center and anyone who will listen. Most of these companies have online complaint forms. This all will continue unless we all speak up and are HEARD. I don’t really think the companies are going to produce a return on our investment, if they haven’t kept promises made since 2003 when I invested! Oh, and why did Animation Magazine take off the history of comments that have been on here for over the past two years? Also, it would be nice to take this as a loss of investment monies if it was proven it was a scam. If Earthworks Entertainment had an Enforcement action taken on 10/7/10, where does that leave the Z-FORCE animation characters they were selling under Legendary and Headstart? What is happening with DaJammies now? What other companies are they doing business under since 2007? Are any of you getting regular newsletters with out prompting the management at Headstart? ejcotran@hotmail.com
Has anyone contacted the CA. AG or SEC or FBI, if so what was their respones?
Now why would investors post for JP to see? JP, are you from the one of the companies and on the “inside”? You put a previous “positive” post about the investment to make the investments look positive and still thriving (prior to the time animation magazine taking off the old posts). If you are trying to get information on how the investors are feeling or what investors are doing–Seek your information elsewhere! Why don’t you contact the CA AG, SEC or FBI and then let us, the investors, know their response!
Haven’t heard from doug warr or any others about Headstart or Legendary; anyone heard anthing? What is this about Animation Development and now Toon Goggles, another cartoon investment, is this a scam too? The other blogs are telling this too is a scam and fraud investment. What can be done to stop all these guys? Other post are saying doug warr and ira warren who real last name is warkol, they are related. That is interesting since they had Cartoon Ventures on the brochures we received and that is owned by Ira Warren who now has a fake name being used? Sure would like a return on investment but does not look like we will get anything back. anyone get anywhere with authorities? I can not find a real address for anyone where they do business. Any insight or help you can give to help me get money back or recoup at least some, would be good. Times are tough and don’t like to make a fool of.
I’m an investor that has not seen any return and the only info I get is what I get from Doug Warr. I can’t tell you if this is going to work out or not but until I get that letter that tells me this company is broke and to submit a proof of owner ship there is always a little hope. How do explain Black tree TV showing clips of Da Jammies? Some one some where is going to make money on this, I just don’t want Headstart invetors getting pushed out cause were all about getting those guys.
Here is what is posted on Better Business Bureau per their evaluation of the companies involved: Legendary Entertainment and Headstart Entertainment and Animation Development Co LLC. This also would include DaJammies LLC, which was started without informing any of the stockholders who invested in Legendary Entertainment and Headstart Entertainment.
Copied from BBB website in quotation marks:
“BBB Comments and Analysis
This company solicits investors for capital to develop and license animation projects. The animated pilot projects are pitched to networks for the purpose of licensing a potential television series. These 3-7 minute animated cartoon segments are produced and developed under contract to the company. For its financial involvement, the company retains a majority stake in revenue and equity ownership in the pilot. In other words, the company will own a controlling interest in the rights to the concepts and characters on which the series will be based.
Careful evaluation of all investment offers should be done prior to signing agreements. Rather than make an immediate decision, insist that the caller confirm details of the offer and all verbal promises in writing. Verify that the offer is registered, or exempt from such requirement, with your state securities commissioner. In California, call the Department of Corporations 213 576-7500. Limited Partnerships are required to register unless an exemption is filed with the state. General Partnerships, however, are not required to register. Those who invest in General Partnerships may also be accountable for the financial liabilities of the entire partnership. Offers claiming to be exempt from registration must meet specific requirements. Specifically, they must be limited to no more than 35 investors who are: immediate relatives or friends; current investors in other offers made by the company; persons referred by current investors; and to those with the expertise to make a valid decision. Generally, if an offer is sold via telephone, it is an indication it would not be qualified for exemption under current law.”
Here are my additional comments:
They have not registered a trademark on something as important as the characters they are selling? Strange you don’t protect something that is as big of an investment as you say it is! Do you have a real address where the business is conducted? Not a mail box stop location as that is not a valid office address location!
Still waiting for validation this company is for real and will give us the returns they promised!
If you can validate all of the above, all of questions the investors have, would go away!
You would have no negative comments on the internet! Wouldn’t that be great?
It’s over I guess. Just received my stock certificates from the IRA company holding my account. Looks like Headstart/Legendary Entertainment is no longer allowed to do business.
Anyone know of any recourse involving this obvious scam?
You should double check with your tax consultant and IRS and then with the IRS advice, take the investment off on your taxes. It is a write off as worthless stock on Schedule D on your taxes. CONSULT YOUR OWN FINANCIAL ADVISOR OR IRS TO MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION. See publication 550 under worthless stock. You would probably only get $3,000 a year off to write off your taxes, if you file jointly, or $1,500 if filed single, but it is better than getting no return at all. Check the Nevada websites under http://nvsos.gov under sos entity search for company you invested in. Use the name on the stock certificate and it will tell you these companies don’t even have a license to business any longer and the website will show when the company had the last active license. It will also tell you if the license has been revoked. In a recent search I found the following companies did not have a NV license. The companies orginally filed for a business license in NV. These companies were not active…this includes Toon Farm, Earthworks Entertainment, Legendary Entertainment, Headstart Entertainment, Granite Springs Co, Fidelity Financial dba Legendary Entertainment and other companies who are actively seeking investors and monies. You can also check out names of the officers and it will tell you more about what has been really going on during the time you have been invested in the company.
It is too bad these companies are getting away with scamming everyone but if no one complains, you will not be heard! You, as an investor, will be on every “sucker” phone list, which will create more cold calls or more investment. The company is selling your personal information to other companies who then will cold call you for an investment or monies into another investment. If the securities are not registered, DO NOT INVEST. REGISTER TO BE ON THE DO NOT CALL LIST and let other companies know you are on the DO NOT CALL LIST. They are selling unregistered securities so the Security and Exchange commission would like to know that information. I wish you all the best for any investor who still thinks this will pay off.
If you doubt my word, get in touch with the National Telemarketing Victim Call Center. Tell them your story and they can give you advice on what to do. They can be reached at 888-990-1988.
Good Luck to you all! EJ, a scammed investor in Legendary Entertainment (which then became Headstart Entertainment)
FYI, the person who sold me and my families the bogus stock was a guy named Mike Matthews and his real name is Edward L. Cohen. He works for another company now that is selling animation characters. If you need more information, feel free to contact me at ejcotran@hotmail.com and I will give you more information.
Does Dwayne Corbitt or Cindy Taylor names sound familiar?
You must be a legendary investment investor?
I’m also one of the unfortunate losers on this “investment”. I’d love to see a class action lawsuit!
There are also alot of people in Minnesota that invested too. We didn’t invest that much but some of our family and friends did. This is sad.
We invested $55k in2003-2004 and have heard nothing form Headstart or Ledgendary to date. Early on they sent out monthly flyers and called often. Now nothing. Can’t even find the people we dealt with or get any kind of contact with anyone involved with either company (Doug Warr, Dwayne Corbitt,Susan Knight,Dr.Al Machen). Does anyone have any info for any of them? Please forward email to us (pauren2448@aol:twitter .com)
Headstart Ent. is a fraudulent company. My name is Devin Lupina, I am
an investigator with Advocacy & Collections Group, we specialize in
fruad protection and recovery. I am working with several clients on the
case of Headstart Ent. Headstart has had multiple people sign a
contract and invest into their business for their services and have not
honored their part of the agreement and contract, they have stolen
thousands of dollars from their clients. It is my job to recover the
investors money. I have an 80% success rate in recovery investors money
from Headstart Ent. If you want to recover your money and investment,
contact me ASAPd at:
Devin Lupina, Advocacy & Collections Group
# 954-507-3984 x200
Email: DevinLupina@Gmail.com
Email: admin@a-cgroup.com
Website: http://www.advocacyandcollectionsgrou...
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/advocacycolle...
Toll Free: 866-267-7582
Fax: 754-703-5899
Headstart Ent. is a fraudulent company. My name is Devin Lupina, I am an investigator with Advocacy & Collections Group, we specialize in fruad protection and recovery. I am working with several clients on the case of Headstart Ent. Headstart has had multiple people sign a contract and invest into their business for their services and have not honored their part of the agreement and contract, they have stolen thousands of dollars from their clients. It is my job to recover the investors money. I have an 80% success rate in recovery investors money from Headstart Ent. If you want to recover your money and investment, contact me ASAPd at:
Devin Lupina, Advocacy & Collections Group
# 954-507-3984 x200
Email: DevinLupina@Gmail.com
Email: admin@a-cgroup.com
Website: http://www.advocacyandcollectionsgroup.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/advocacycollectiongroup
Toll Free: 866-267-7582
Fax: 754-703-5899
I belong to a small group of investors in Headstart Ent. There are 18 of us.
We all invested different amounts. Our total investment $86.500. We all stated investing Aprill 2005.I have all kinds of doucments.we need you help
email wmh4735@hotmail.com