Intl. 3D Society Chooses Governors, Executives for 2011-12

The International 3D Society has chosen its board of governors and executive committee for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.

Jim Mainard, head of production development at DreamWorks Animation, was named chairman; and Tom Cosgrove, president and CEO at 3net will serve as chairman-elect for the society.

Others named to the executive committee include Kappei Morishita, general manager for the Blu-ray License Group, Panasonic Hollywood Lab, Panasonic Corp. of North America, as first vice chairman and treasurer; 3D inventor Lenny Lipton as vice chairman and secretary; and Buzz Hays, senior VP and 3D producer at Sony Pictures Technologies, Sony Corp. of America, as past chairman. Jim Chabin, president of the society, will also serve on the executive committee.

Mainard congratulated the membership on the progress the organization has made over the past year. “The International 3D Society’s leadership now connects 3D companies and professionals from the United States to China, Korea, Japan, United Kingdom and 17 countries, all working together to move 3D forward,” he said. “3D is now colonizing screen platforms throughout the marketplace. The society’s board of governors will advance and strengthen our efforts to fill that pipeline with superb quality content to advance the success of 3D.”

The International 3D Society Board of Governors for 2011-2012 are:

  • Maria Costeira, CEO of XPAND 3D
  • Peter Dobson, CEO of Mann Theatres
  • Rob Engle, 3D visual effects producer, Sony Pictures Imageworks
  • Greg Foster, chairman and president of filmed entertainment, IMAX
  • Ron Geller, VP of worldwide content relations at Dolby Laboratories
  • Charlotte Huggins, producer, Salient Features
  • Peter Koplik, president of digital cinema, MasterImage 3D
  • Brian Lenz, director of product design and TV product development, BSkyB
  • Howard Lukk, VP of digital production and technology, studio new technology, The Walt Disney Studios
  • Steve Schklair, CEO and founder, 3ality Digital
  • Kurt Schwenk, VP of post-production services, Paramount Pictures,
  • Lisa Truitt, president, National Geographic Cinema Ventures