Awol Sees Green for Big Storm’s ‘Gombby’

Paris-based awol animation has announced the first international TV and home entertainment deals for Portuguese newcomer Big Storm Studios’ 3D CG series, Gombby’s Green Island. The 52 x 13 series will launch at MIP Junior (Oct. 1-2), with solid domestic ratings under its belt. Having sold to Portugal’s RTP and Panda, new TV sales for Clan TV/TVE in Spain, home entertainment deals with LNK Portugal and Big Picture Spain are rounded out by the first L&M partner announcements: Panini, Giochi Preziosi, Concentra and Majora.

“We are delighted to have signed our television distribution agreement with awol animation, and the early international roll out of the television show and resulting licensing deals are already proving what a great success Gombby’s Green Island is going to be around the world,” said Big Storm executive producer Ruben Dias. “Given our background, from the very start we planned for Gombby’s Green Island to be experienced by children in every way that they engage with modern multiplatform media. For this generation, this is normal and it’s what they expect!”

Gombby’s Green Island
Gombby’s Green Island

An innovative 360-degree approach and media roll-out is in the work, and Gombby videos have already earned over 3 million hits on YouTube. The series follows Gombby, a little baker boy who with his diverse friends investigates mysteries and goes on adventures on Green Island—often with the help of Gadget Man’s amazing inventions.