The Visual Effects Society (VES) has announced it will hold its third annual Production Summit for the entertainment industry on October 1 at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills. The summit, dubbed Trending the Global Marketplace: You Are Here, will gather leading executives, creatives, technologists and visionaries to discuss the impact of globalization and the opportunities and challenges it present the entertainment industry.
Eric Roth, VES Executive Director, states, “This year’s Summit will feature ongoing interaction between an international group of key industry leaders whose mandate is to adapt to the global nature of the entertainment industry by staying current with ever changing technologies, and rethinking production schedules and distribution channels. Attendees will be encouraged to think innovatively in order to find better solutions for their businesses.”
A Keynote Address will be delivered by Bob Pisano, President and COO of the Motion Picture Association of America. Autodesk Fellow Tom Wujec, Janey Montgomery Scott and Tony Wible will give presentations. Panelists and roundtable monitors will include execs, VFX supervisors and experts from Sony Pictures Imageworks, Walt Disney Studios, Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, Rainmaker Ent., Scanline VFX and more.
In addition to sessions, which include ‘The Studios’ POV: Adapting to Innovation in a 24 Hour World’ and ‘Success Around the Globe,’ the Summit will introduce a new one-hour discussion opportunity called the Breakfast Roundtable. Each table will cover one topic (an expert moderator will be seated with attendees) and everyone is welcome to ask questions, voice their opinions, and debate hot topics from technology challenges, to financing, to international partnerships.

For a full speaker list and more information on the event, visit