If you managed to avoid the Black Friday mania over the holiday weekend, you may congratulate yourself on your cool-headed approach to the consumer madness. However, the gift-getting clock is ticking down! Why not cross a couple names off your list with a few of this week’s cool toon and vfx-riddled DVD releases?
The Smurfs (Columbia, $30.99, December 2)
Raja Gosnell’s live-action/CG revamp of Peyo’s delightful pint-sized creations was certainly a box-office blow out this year—and with decades of successful romps across the entertainment landscape, there are doubtless one or two of your loved ones who would adore taking home their latest adventure. This magic-meets-Manhattan adventure stars Neil Patrick Harris and Jayma Mays as expecting parents who are shocked to find the Smurfs (with voice talent from the likes of Jonathan Winters, Alan Cumming, Katy Perry, Fred Armisen, George Lopez and Anton Yelchin) have arrived in their Metropolis and are on the run from the evil Gargamel (Hank Azaria) and his wicked feline cohort Azrael (Frank Welker). The little blue dudes are expertly animated by Sony Pictures Animation.
The DVD comes with the docu-featurette The Smurfs: Comic Book to the Big Screen, Going Gargamel and fun “Find the Smurfs” game. Or you can opt for the Blu-ray release ($40.99) which tacks on Smurf Speak: Meet the Cast, progression reels, deleted & extended scenes, “The Smurfs Fantastic Adventure” game, Smurf-O-Vision Second Screen Experience (an interactive viewing option that lets the Smurfs take over your TV and iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch while you watch the film) and the all-new holiday special The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol. Don’t worry, you can find heavily discounted prices on this sweet set—Amazon has it for a meager $19.99 right now.

More DVD gift ideas:
For the tots: Dinosaur Train: T.rex Tales (PBS, $12.99, Nov. 29)

For the otakus: One Piece: Collection Three (FUNimation, $34.98, Nov. 29)

For the fanboys (and girls): Smallville: The Complete Series (Warner, $339.98, Nov. 29)