If you happened to be in Los Angeles this weekend, you’ll certainly need to check out the annual CTN Animation Expo at the Burbank Marriott Hotel (Nov. 15-17). We recently had the chance to interview event founder and organizer Tina Price, who has done a terrific job of putting this confab together for the past four years. Here is what she had to tell us about the 2013 edition:
What are you most excited about this year’s programs at CTN?
Tina Price: CTN eXpo is turning five this year and we are including CTN’s new gallery, Center Stage Gallery into the mix with an amazing exhibition of “The Life and Work of Eyvind Earle” with shuttles to and from the convention center all weekend. We also have with us some of the most eclectic mix of talent we’ve ever put together under one roof.
Please tell us about some of the amazing line-up of animation visionaries you have booked for the event.
We have Star Wars Oscar-winner Richard Edlund, 60 years at Disney with Burny Mattinson, the young directors of Contre Temps from France, amazing filmmaker of The Lost Thing and Searching for Sugarman Andrew Ruhemann, designer Claire Keane, stop motion pioneer Phil Tippett, the son of one of Disney’s Nine Old Men, Ted Thomas, legendary animator Eric Goldberg, the man behind the poster Drew Struzan, award-winning painter William Wray, Ren & Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi, DreamWorks production designer Patrick Hanenberger, stop Motion animator Brad Schiff, director Chris Sanders and hundreds more.
How has CTN expo evolved through the years?
Tina Price: Every year we strive to introduce talent to people who may not have known them and present our show in a new way. This year we will be streaming live from both the exhibit floor and the main panel room at CTNX and as I mentioned, we have opened a “new” gallery in Burbank. So if you find you can not make it to the event or you are at the event but missed a panel, you can tune into to our CTNers on the ground or be 4th row center in our famous panel room all weekend. You can pick up your CTNX Live pass or watch us free at ondemand.ctnanimationexpo.com/event_details.php?id=20
What do you think of the animation scene in 2013?
I think the animation scene, like a lot of things, is manipulated by a few players. With a focus on bottom line profits the result seems to be creating an arena of consumer driven entertainment. If avenues could open up for the more independent short form product, the result might be that “the talent” might lead a new way with more “content-driven” entertainment rather than the current “consumer driven” approach giving audiences more of a choice.
What is the toughest challenge of putting such an event together?
Making each event a once in a lifetime experience. I’m reminded everyday that it all starts with “the talent” and that they are an un-renewable resource.
Give us a few tips on how to best navigate the CTN panels and events!
Download our Guidebook app guidebook.com/g/3z8aqe6o where you can select event “tracks” based on your craft and you can create your own schedule. Get there early and look for talent wearing our famous “Speed Talent” buttons that give attendees permission to walk up to them and show them their portfolio or introduce themselves and ask questions. Ask questions, get feed back, collect contact information and don’t let it stop on Sunday. CTN is a way of approaching your career long after the event is over and “Be What’s Next!”.
You can learn more about this year’s exciting lineup at CTN by visiting www.ctnanimationexpo.com. Make sure you stop by the Animag booth to pick up the new issue of the magazine as well as the chance to win lots of toon-related gifts and free subscriptions!