Warner Bros. has revealed the details of the world premiere of Son of Batman, the 20th DC Universe Animated Original Movie. The flick will bow at WonderCon in Anaheim, Calif. this Friday, April 18 in the Arena at 6 p.m. The premiere will be followed by a panel with voice stars including Jason O’Mara (Batman), Sean Maher (Nightwing), Xander Berkeley (Langstrom), Stuart Allan (Damian) and key members of the production team, including producer James Tucker, director Ethan Spaulding, character designer Phil Bourassa and dialogue director Andrea Romano.
Other Son of Batman activities at the show include an hour-long autograph session in the DC Entertainment booth with all the panel members (April 18, 3:30-4:30 p.m.) with an exclusive-to-WonderCon mini poster. There will also be an encore screening of the film on Sunday at 1:15 p.m.
Based on the storyline by Grant Morrison, Son of Batman throws the Dark Knight for a loop when he discovers he has a son, Damian, and complicating matters is the fact that his son’s mother is Talia al Ghul, daughter of his dreaded enemy Ra’s Al Ghul. When the odds turn against Batman and Damian, Bats must quickly become both father and mentor to the aggressive, agile new Robin. Together they form an uneasy alliance to try to thwart the criminal enterprise of Deathstroke and his army of ninja man-bats. Warner Bros. Home Entertainment will release Son of Batman on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital May 6, 2014.