The first look is here for The Book of Life, the animated feature from Reel FX and Fox, directed by Jorge Gutierrez.
The movie is due to open Oct. 17 and tells the tale of two matadors — voiced by Channing Tatum and Diego Luna — who compete for the affection of the beautiful Maria, voiced by Zoe Saldana.
Here’s a look:
The film borrows heavily from Day of the Dead imagery and is written by animation veterans Gutierrez and Douglas Langdale.
What do you think, Animag readers? Is this a worthwhile looking treat? Or is it a trick? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Sigh, I don’t really know were that movie is supposed to take place. Seriously, I have lived 20 years in Mexico and I have never seen anything that looks like that. Not even in the most traditional rural areas Mexico looks like that. We deserve a movie that represents us as people, not as tokens, were they use our culture as a background and not as whatever designer thought it looked like to make eye candy or a cheap plot device.
but the eye candy sure looks GREAT! I Love the looks of it
Do you want to see the really original Mexican tradition of Dia de los Muertos? wait for “Day of the Dead” from Metacube a Mexican production company that is working on a beautiful and really fun story with and amazing quality in CGI animation and is planned to be released in October 2015. By the way this film from Metacube doesn´t have bullfighters, have “real Charros”.
I’m getting mixed signals from that trailer. One part awe to one part “this should be direct to DVD/Razzie potential.”
I’m getting mixed signals too.
I cant tell if its more like nightmare before christmas that is good for all age groups ..or just very kiddish..