What on Earth did people amuse themselves with before the YouTube video mashup? To celebrate its bad guy focused Villiantine’s Day Marathon this Friday, May 23, the creative whizzes at The Hub Network’s promo department have created a shot-for-shot mirror of Disney’s Maleficent trailer, but with My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic‘s infamous Discord as the antagonist and Twilight Sparkle in the place of Sleeping Beauty.
Villiantine’s Day will toast Hub’s most nefarious stars with episodes of Littlest Pet Shop featuring The Biskit Twins (1-4 p.m. ET / 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. PT) and selections from My Little Pony with that crafty chimera Discord (4-7 p.m. ET / 1-4 p.m. PT).

Discord is a Draconequus, not a Chimera.