Paramount Pictures and the International 3D & Advanced Imaging Society will be hosting a one-day double event on Wednesday, September 24. Taking place at the Paramount lot, the Society will preview Con-Tech 2015 with a special seminar, then celebrate outstanding achievements in 3D and advanced imaging innovation with the Technology & New Product Awards during a special luncheon.
The Preview Seminar will kick off at 9:30 a.m. with a talk on the future of content by Wim Buyers, SVP of Entertainment and Corporate for Barco Utrecht, followed by a consideration of new video standards options such as 4K, HDR and high frame rate with Pete Lude (CTO, Mission Rock Digital).
In depth panels to follow include: “UHD: Views You Can Use” with Phil McKinney (President & CEO, Cable Labs), Percy Fung (CEO, Film Magic), Ron Martin (VP, Panasonic Hollywood Lab), Kathleen Schroter (Exec. Manager, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Int.), Doug Davis (Pres. & CEO, BitSpeed) and Simon Craddock (CEO, Onsight); “HDR: The Consumer Experience” with Mike DeValue (Dir. Advanced Tech, Walt Disney Studios) and Roland Vlaicu (VP Consumer Imaging, Dolby Laboratories); “The New Workflow;” and “Merging Content with Technology: The 2015 Preview.”
Tickets can be purchased through