The stop motion animated film Anomalisa won the Grand Jury Prize at the prestigious Venice Film Festival this weekend.
The film, directed by renowned screenwriter Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson, won over a jury headed by Gravity director Alfonso Cuaron. The other jury members are: American actress and director Elizabeth Banks; German actress Diane Kruger; French filmmaker Emmanuel Carrere; Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan; Polish director Pawel Pawlikowski; Italian director Francesco Munzi; Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-Hsien; and Scottish filmmaker Lynne Ramsay.
Other winners included From Afar, from first-time Venezuelan filmmaker Lorenzo Vigas, which won the Golden Lion, while the Silver Lion for best director went to Pablo Traper for his Argentine crime saga The Clan.

Ahh, yes. This is the film that used KickStarter for funding and then snubbed all its supporters! I hope we the Kickstarter supporters get to see the film one day without needing a Netflix membership! Beware of who you fund on Kickstarter!! Like these people, some don’t respect the community and reneg on their promises!
Snubbed its supporters? How? By making the film longer so it took more time to produce? Frankly I’m happy getting a feature film instead of the original short. As for us backers not getting to see the film… did you read the original campaign? From the first pledge including the film: “A digital download of Anomalisa once the film has been distributed!” Has the film been distributed? No it’s doing the festival circuit.