Funimation Releases Entire Samurai Champloo Series for Free on YouTube
NorAm anime giant releases Shinichiro Watanabe’s seminal series to the huddled internet masses.
Nick’s Layla Lewis on Acquisition Strategy
Nickelodeon’s VP of acquisitions discusses what it takes to spot a hit on the international TV content scene.
Verizon Acquires 24.5% Stake in AwesomenessTV
Massive telco company bolsters its mobile and video offerings with big buy-in on Gen Z-friendly network owned by DreamWorks.
Overwatch Alive Animated Short, More Shorts Planned Pre-Launch
Blizzard releases a second short for massively immersive Overwatch game, featuring the Widowmaker.
27th Dusty Film & Animation Festival Set for May 7-10
The School of Visual Arts prepares for its 2016 festival event, which will welcome animation notables Alex Kupershmidt and Chris Prynoski.