Lionsgate has announced that the new animated family adventure The Wild Life — from the producers behind Shaun the Sheep Movie, Paddington and A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventures — will arrive on DVD (SRP $29.95), Blu-ray Combo Pack ($34.99) and On Demand on November 29.
The Wild Life is a talking animal tale that kicks off when Mak the parrot and his island friends discover a mysterious creature washed up on their shore: a human castaway named Robinson Crusoe. When savage cats invade their island paradise, Robinson teams up with his new creature compatriots to defend their home.
Special features for the home video release include The Wild Life Musical Adventure, and featurettes “A Wild World: Making The Wild Life,” “Meet the Characters” and “Tips for Your Trip.”
The Wild Life is a production of nWave Pictures, Studiocanal and Summit Entertainment (a Lionsgate company).