CALL FOR ENTRIES: Last Chance to Submit to KLIK
Submissions for the KLIK Amsterdam Animation Festival’s international competition close June 1, so hurry up and enter your shorts, student films, commissioned work, animated documentaries, music videos and VR projects! KLIK 2017 runs Oct. 17-22.
VIDEO: ‘The Stanley Saber Show – Deadpool’ Teaser
NM8 studios has been hard at work fine-tuning its millennial-targeted animated talk show concept since launching the pilot last year. The first official episode, coming soon, will welcome Marvel’s “merc with a mouth” as its headline guest.
Character Counts for Variety’s Animation Educator of the Year, Maija Burnett of CalArts
The director of the acclaimed school’s character animation program discusses maintining a focus on fine arts skills while embracing current tech trends.
Story of 92-Year-Old Serbian Refugee to Be Told in Animation
A touching short created by graphic novelist Karrie Fransman in collaboration with the Christian Aid charity allows WWII refugee Theodor Davidovic to tell his incredible story.
Doha Film Institute Invites Entries for Youth Animation Workshop
Artist Mohammed Al-Suwaidi will lead a stop-motion workshop for 15 aspiring filmmaker ages 8-14, taking place May 7-18 in the Qatar capital.