Another edition of Italy’s renowned VFX, CG, animation and gaming gathering VIEW Conference has come to a close in scenic Turin, attracting more than 10,000 attendees to the confab, film fest and weekend workshops. The event concluded with the 2017 VIEW Award ceremony, with Daniela Leitner taking the festival’s 2,000 euro prize for Nachsaison (Late Season).
The international jury of professionals was comprised of Kim White, Director of Photography – Lighting, Cars 3 (Pixar Animation Studios); Jason Bickerstaff, Character Artist (Pixar Animation Studios); Alessandro Jacomini, Director of Photography: Lighting (Disney Animation Studios); Mark Osborne, Director, The Little Prince, Kung Fu Panda; Cinzia Angelini, Writer/Director/Story Artist, MILA; James Salomoni, student (University of Turin); Professor Maria Elena Gutierrez, CEO & Director VIEW Conference/VIEWFEST, President of the Jury.
More information about VIEW available at
The winners are…
BEST SHORT (2,000 euro prize)
Nachsaison (Late Season) by Daniela Leitner [Austria/Italy/Portugal]
An elderly couple seem to have lost their affections for one another. One day at the beach, after falling asleep, something incredible happens that rekindles their long lost romantic feelings. [Website]
Rapture by Victor Garrido
When a spaceship crashes in the forest, a raptor’s leisure turns into a pursuit for the most elusive prey.
Monsters by Ivan Gerard (Method Studios)
Undiscovered by Sarah Litzenberger (Savannah College of Art and Design)
The Wolf Guru by Mian Quin (Savannah College of Art and Design)
People of Color by Raghav Arumugam (Savannah College of Art and Design)