Maxon is now a Unity Technologies Verified Solutions Partner and is distributing a plug-in for Unity, called Cineware by Maxon. The new plug-in provides developers and creatives with seamless integration of Cinema 4D assets into Unity. Artists can easily create models and animations in Cinema 4D for use in real-time 3D (RT3D), interactive 2D, 3D, VR and AR experiences.
The Cineware by Maxon plug-in is available free-of-charge on the Unity Asset Store.
The plug-in is compatible with Cinema 4D Release 21, the latest version of the software, and Unity’s latest release, 2019.3. The Cineware by Maxon plug-in does not require a license of Cinema 4D as long as Cinema 4D scenes have been “Saved for Cineware.” By default, imported assets will appear relative to the asset folder or imported asset. The plug-in also supports user-defined folder hierarchies.
“Real-time workflows have become increasingly important,” said David McGavran, CEO of Maxon. “Our new Cineware by Maxon plug-in ensures an efficient, production-friendly method of importing Cinema 4D assets into Unity for developing immersive content.”
Feature Highlights
Cineware by Maxon currently supports:
Geometry including:
- Vertex Position, Normals, UV, Skinning Weight, Color
- Skin and Binding Rig
- Pose Morphs as Blend Shapes
- Lightmap UV2 Generation on Import
Materials including:
- PBR Reflectance Channel Materials conversion
- Albedo/Metal/Rough
- Normal Map
- Bump Map
- Emission
- Animated Materials:
- Color including Transparency
- Metalness
- Roughness
- Emission Intensity, Color
- Alpha Cutout Threshold
- Cineware by Maxon supports the option of not reimporting materials, as imported materials are automatically reassigned to updated geometry.
Lighting including:
- Spot, Directional, Point
- Animated properties supported:
- Cone
- Intensity
- Color
Cameras including:
- Animated properties
- Field of Vision (FOV)