With an abundance of programs, numerous unreleased works to preview, more than 200 films, 32 meetings and 40 MIFA events, the Annecy Festival Online rose to meet this year’s unique challenges and pulled off a successful virtual event for professionals, film buffs and the general public alike. While nothing can replace that special feeling of being “on-site” at Annecy, the organizers reinvented one of the most treasured highlights of the animation events calendar in just two months.
Annecy 2020 by the numbers..
- The festival dispensed 15,570 accreditations, including
- 4,130 MIFA accreditations
- 335 journalists
- Participants represented 111 countries
- 40 events just for MIFA badgeholders
- 30 Festival events outside the Official Selection
- Nearly 8,000 people watched over 27 hours of live Festival events
- The MIFA Video Library offered 1,120 screeners
- 2,074 virtual stands populated the market
- Professionals exchanded 37k+ messages within the Annecy Network
- 451 videos were available on the platform, totalling 80 hours of unique content
- Thousands of new subscribers followed Annecy Online on social:
- YouTube: 64,700 subscribers (3,500 new)
- Facebook: 54,000 (+6,000)
- Twitter: 37,650 (+400)
- Instagram: 21,800 (+3,000)
- 250 free videos for the public were uploaded to the YouTube channel, generating 4k hours of viewing (167 days!) and 143k views.
In case you missed it, review the Official Competition Winners and Special Award Winners. You can also watch the awards ceremonies at youtube.com/user/annecyfestival.
The big 60th Anniversary edition of Annecy Festival is scheduled to take place once more by the lake in Annecy, France from June 14-16, 2021, celebrating the event’s milestone and African animation. We hope to see you there!