If you’re looking for some amazing virtual workshops to fine-tune your artistic skills or learn from the best animation veterans in the industry, you’ll have to check out the rich collection of online events offered by Creative Talent Network.
“Our CTN team hasn’t stopped planning and helping our community during these challenging times,” says Tina Price, creator of CTN.”Artists from around the world have come together to help other artists in our CTN Zoom Rooms with all proceeds going to the artists to help them out during this time. I would love help to get the word out so people of all time zones, budgets and levels can benefit while staying safer at home.”
Here are some of the upcoming online events and classes:
- Primary Sources: Keys to Successful Preproduction with Don Hahn and Mindy Johnson
- Breaking Through the Hollywood Primetime Animation System with Brian Mainolfy
- Creativity and Storytelling with Brian Thompson, Rene Urbanovich and Dominick Domingo
- Character Driven by Coran Kizer Stone
- Drawing the Looney Way by Dave Alvarez
- Glenn Vilpu the Drawing Guy
- Teen CTN Animation, Film and Design Camp
- Making a Living with Your Art with Casey Robin
- Staging Workshop (Backgrounds and Layout) with Dominick Domingo
- Cartoon Crash Course, hosted by Nico Colaleo with Matt Braily and Ruth Turner
- Intermediate Voice Acting Course with Stephen Weese
- The Meaning that Drives Your Craft by Ryan Woodward and Kat Dawes
- Office Hours by Story Mentor Alex Mann
- Visual Development Art Direction by Armand Serano and Jill Daniels
- Morning Cartooning with Teacher Noah
You can find out more about these and many more events and online classes at http://www.ctntickets.com