On Friday, DC Studios co-chiefs Peter Safran and James Gunn returned to a screening room on the Warner Bros. lot to offer updates on their revamped DC Universe slate of live-action and animated projects, having first outlined it in a similar locale in 2023.
During the hour-long presentation, several animated titles were touched on:
- Dynamic Duo, the animated team-up of Batman sidekicks Dick Grayson and Jason Todd which kicked off pre-production in October, was described by Safran as “a kind of perfect on-ramp for family audiences into the world of Gotham.” The feature film is being produced with Warner Bros. Pictures Animation and L.A.-based puppet animation specialists Swaybox Studios for release on June 30, 2028.
- A Blue Beetle animated series is still in active development. The show will build on the events of the 2023 feature film. Safran says he expects executive producers Angel Manuel Soto (director of the movie) and Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer (screenwriter of the movie) to present a pitch for greenlight “pretty soon.” Series director Miguel Puga (The Casagrandes) and writer Cristian Martinez (The Fosters) are on board.
- Safran announced greenlights for three younger-skewing animated series in partnership with Warner Bros. Animation and overseen by the toon shop’s chief, Sam Register:
- My Adventure with Green Lantern: When “a Green Lantern Power Ring falls from the sky” and chooses high schooler Jessica Cruz “to be its champion,” it is soon followed by “more debris from the Lanterns’ ancient space war … along with their alien foes.” Jake Wyatt (My Adventures with Superman) is exec producer with Stephanie Gonzaga (DuckTales) as co-exec producer.
- DC Super Powers: At the Alliance School for Heroes, new students Lightning, Flash, Plastic Man, Aquagirl, Green Lantern and Terra learn to “level up their powers under the supervision of Principal Martian Manhunter, in the hopes of one day graduating and becoming the next generation of Earth’s defenders.” Matt Beans (TrollsTopia) is exec producer, Michael Chang (Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai) is supervising producer.
- Starfire: The extraterrestrial member of the Teen Titans gets her own origin story adventure when she takes off on an ancient spaceship from her home planet of Tamaran to explore the cosmos. On her way, she encounters “space biker Crush, plant-loving Fern and the magical Princess Amethyst of Gemworld,” and together they venture on to “uncover the deepest reaches of the DC Universe, save Space Dolphins, surf technicolor nebulas and boldly soar into the unknown.” Josie Campbell (My Adventures with Superman) is exec producer, Brianne Drouhard (Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld) is co-exec producer.
Safran remarked that DC Studios is aiming to release two live-action films, one animated film, two live-action and two animated TV series each year.
[Source: Variety]