This month, we got to check in with the amazing Jorge Aguirre, head writer and co-executive producer of Fred Rogers Productions’ charming show Alma’s Way.

Taking a break from work to play our latest digital game, Alma On the Case, starring Alma’s favorite detective, Carlotta Clues. “When you don’t know what to do, you gotta look for a clue!”
I went to the Emmys in 2022 with our show creator, Sonia Manzano. She was the first Latina I ever saw on TV when she played Maria on Sesame Street. And now I get to work with her!

Like Alma, we’re striking our Think-It-Through poses with supervising producer, Olubunmi Mia Olufemi and story editor (Seasons 1-2), Dana Chan, at the sa-weet Alma’s Way launch in Pittsburgh.
When people ask me what’s the secret to writing, I say … coffee. Always coffee. TBH: the real secret to writing is re-writing and re-writing and have I said, re-writing?

Here I am with my sons at Grand Central Terminal for The Alma Train Party event for the launch of our game, The Alma Train.
Alma has her dog, Chacho. I have Luna. Luna helps me recharge my creative batteries.

Taking a tour of the Fred Rogers exhibit at the Heinz History Center with my pal, the ah-mayzing Jill Cozza-Turner (head writer, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood).
How many jobs give you the opportunity to ride in the Puerto Rican Day parade in N.Y.C.?