Amp’d Cells Dial Up Scanner Spots

The trailer for Richard Linklater’s highly anticipated animated adaptation of A Scanner Darkly is set to debut on Amp’d Mobile handsets today. Based on a sci-fi novel by Philip K. Dick, the Warner Independent movie stars Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr., Woody Harrelson and Winona Ryder.

The trailer can be found on the Amp’d Live deck as a stand-alone A Scanner Darkly entertainment channel though the film’s release date on July 7. As additional promo fare is created for the film, it will be added to this special channel.

“The audience for films like this is technologically light years ahead of most,” says Laura Kim, EVP of marketing and publicity at Warner Independent Pictures. “And if you know anything about A Scanner Darkly and Philip K. Dick, who also wrote Blade Runner, this partnership is a really cool way to let people know about the film.”

This cautionary tale of drug abuse is set in suburban Orange County, California in a future where America has lost the war on drugs. When one reluctant undercover cop (Reeves) is ordered to start spying on his friends, he is launched on a paranoid journey into the absurd, where identities and loyalties are impossible to decode

The film uses live-action photography overlaid with interpolated rotoscoping to create a haunting, highly stylized vision of the future. Linklater also used the technology in his 2001 animated film Waking Life.

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