Wondertouch Emits Six New FX Libraries

Visual effects artists have six cool new pro emitter libraries to choose from this week. St. Louis-based software developer wondertouch has announced the release of its Professional Emitter Libraries, a collection of six dazzling particle emitter libraries for its particleIllusion 3.0 software. Developed by digital artists Tom Granberg, Sasha Milica and Phalkunabba Rath, the libraries embellish the palette of choices available for pro particleIllusion users.

Each of the six individual libraries contains 30 emitters that feature sophisticated, complex and ready-to-use particle effects covering popular themes including real-world effects such as explosions, auroras, and breaking glass; motion graphics and artistic backgrounds; text and abstract effects’a range of effects that are useful for many creative professional and prosumer projects. The Pro Emitter Libraries can be purchased individually or as a complete set for both the Windows and Mac platforms.

“While particleIllusion ships with a comprehensive variety of preset effects that is updated each month, and customizing the emitters or creating entirely new ones is relatively simple,’ notes Alan Lorence, president and chief developer at wondertouch. The new offering allows users to supplement the selection of over 1400 different preset emitters that ship with particleIllusion 3.0.

“As a motion graphics artist working under tight deadlines in a broadcast environment, the bottom line for me is that these emitters are innovative and sophisticated with motion that is beautiful and eye-catching, and are immediately useful for production work,” states Nathan Shipley, animator at IMS (Indianapolis Motor Speedway) Productions. “Those that may not present an obvious use right away quickly inspire spin-off ideas for ways they can be customized. You WILL see these on broadcast network television!”

“This collection of pro emitters demonstrates the wide range of possible applications for particleIllusion. From pyrotechnics to graphic design, this collection has a taste of everything,” says Mike Shand, vfx supervisor at Frantic Films.

The wondertouch Professional Emitter Libraries are available for individual purchase for $39.00. The complete collection of six libraries is available for $175.00 (billed as a savings of more than 25 percent over the individual library purchase price). The Professional Emitter Libraries are compatible only with wondertouch particleIllusion 3.0, on both the Windows and Mac OS X platforms. For more info,