This month, we have the pleasure of tagging along with Lucy Heavens and Nic Smal, the charming and brilliant creators of Disney’s popular animated series Kiff (which premiered last March). The new full-length Kiff special Lore of the Ring Light premieres on Jan. 21 (National Squirrel Day) on Disney Channel (and streams the next day on Disney+):

Lucy and Nic arrive at Titmouse studio in Burbank for a hard day making a cartoon.
It’s time to plan new episodes for the second season of Kiff.

Here we are knuckling down in the writers room.
From left: Shannon Whalen (script coordinator), Nic Smal,
Quinn Scott (ass. story editor) and Lucy Heavens.
We’re checking in with the exacting and scrupulous design team!

Nic had to rush home to write a song!
Let’s all get into the recording booth. From left: Nic Smal (Principal Secretary), Lucy Heavens (Helen), Kimiko Glenn (Kiff), Kent Osborne (Sweepy Steve and Doctor Lyon), H Micheal Croner (Barry and the show’s voice director!)

Getting the energy up for a spectacular episode of Kiff!