Ramin Zahed

Ramin Zahed

Whatever Happened to the Prime-Time Toons?

We've been keeping an eye on the networks' fall announcements this week, and the only animated-related news that caught our eyes was that Fox...

Bardel’s Orange Picked by Leo

Bardel‚s Vancouver-based toon house Bardel's first proprietary in-house production, The Christmas Orange nabbed four Leo Awards sweeping the animation category at this year's event....

Paul Vester swims with DUCK

Acclaimed artist Paul Vester has joined the roster of Los Angeles-based DUCK Studio's (formerly known as Duck Soup Studio) directors available for commercial work. British-born...

Pelling Exits Cosgrove Hall

Iain Pelling, Cosgrove Hall's managing director announced today that he'll be leaving the Manchester, England-based animation company. Pelling's time at the toon house has...

Matrix Reloaded Electrifies Hump Day

In case you've been living in a parallel universe, you know that directors Larry and Andy Wachowski's long-anticipated sequel The Matrix Reloaded whirls into...

Henson’s Creatures to Haunt Classic Adaptation

Jim Henson's Creature Shop will be teaming up with Capitol Films for a big-screen adaptation of Edith Nesbit's classic 1902 novel Five Children and...



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