5 Years
Still Loco for Toons
It seems like just yesterday that we began hearing whisperings of the Latin American animation market’s emerging promise, and a...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced that 15 films have been selected for consideration for Achievement in Visual Effects for...
Turin’s leading digital technology confab View Conference (and sister festival ViewFest) have announced the impressive plans for this year’s edition, which takes place Oct....
Although on Monday, studios were projecting that Universal/DreamWorks’ Cowboys & Aliens and Sony Animation’s The Smurfs where sharing the Number One Spot at the...
Industrial Light & Magic helps intergalactic creatures invade the Wild West in Universal’s Cowboys & Aliens.
The latest ripple in the tidal wave of comic-book-based...
The SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival has announced its interactive sessions spotlighting some of the most innovative talent and projects in animation and visual effects.