TagsKarla Castaneda

Tag: Karla Castaneda

Academy Invites 397 to Membership for 2022

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 397 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...

Karla Castañeda: Animated Reminiscences

Director, animator, screenwriter and animated film producer Karla Castañeda is probably the youngest and most talented director on the Mexican animation scene. A graduate...

Mexico’s First Stop-Mo Feature Among Ventana Sur Pitches

One of the projects selected for the Animation! section at the upcoming Ventana Sur film market in Buenos Aires (Nov. 27-Dec. 1, ventana-sur.com) will...

Mexican Animation Showcase in LA Aug. 30

Loyola Marymount University’s School of Film and Television is partnering with the Guadalajara Film Festival to present a Mexican Animation Showcase this Sunday, August...