TagsKino Lorber

Tag: Kino Lorber

Animated Murakami Adaptation ‘Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman’ Heads to U.S. with Zeitgeist Films

Pierre Földes's festival buzz-maker animated feature Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman will finally get a stateside theatrical release next year. Zeitgeist Films, in association with Kino...

NYC’s Film Forum Sets US Premiere of ‘Tehran Taboo’

The Film Forum in New York City will be presenting the US theatrical premiere of Ali Soozandeh’s audacious, attention-grabbing animated feature Tehran Taboo on...

Kino Lorber Snags NorAm Rights to Challenging ‘Tehran Taboo’

Kino Lorber has picked up rotoscope-animated festival favorite Tehran Taboo for distribution in the US and English-speaking Canada, with plans for a February theatrical...