The different flavors of virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality are now collectively called “XR” as well as “Immersive Technology.” The recent XR...
New York’s 17th Tribeca Film Festival (April 18-29), presented by AT&T, has unveiled its 2018 immersive program, showcasing works by artists who are pushing...
Wubbalubbadubdub, kids! An awesome new Rick and Morty Virtual Rick-ality Playstation game is coming our way on April 10. The game, which retails for...
Virtual Reality Developers Conference is gearing up to bring premier content and networking opportunities for immersive VR, AR and MR experience creators to San...
The first standalone Virtual Reality Developers Conference (VRDC) has wrapped up a sold-out show in San Francisco. The two-day event welcomed more than 750...