UniFrance unveiled the winner of its second annual Export Prize during the Annecy festival last week, with the honor going to Brittany-based Vivement Lundi!...
Of Shadows & Wings, a contemplative animation from directors Elice Meng and Eleonora Marinori, makes its world premiere at the Locarno International Film Festival...
Cartoon Forum celebrated a successful 25th edition of the important European toon event, which presented 84 new projects to the local industry and enjoyed...
The 2013 edition of Cartoon Forum, the three-day TV animation pitching and co-production event held in Toulouse France drew a record attendance of 850...
Vivement Lundi's Science of Botheration presentation at this past week's Cartoon Forum in Toulouse, France, proved to be the most popular session of the...
Bruno Collect’s well-received animated short Petits Joueurs (Little Players) and series is getting a lot of festival attention as well as airplay on France...